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Sytrick I would love to tear down the <a href="">shaats/dble/gerage</a> out back for a Hobbit Hole of my own but the chances of me talking Hubby into that are slim… he loves the idea of the 100 year old stable out back no matter we can’t use it because it is falling down. Our house was built in 1909 when horses were part of in town life. Maybe the winds this year will blow it down, I think the only thing holding it up are the termites holding hands.
Sytrick How on earth can there be no mention of Tom Petty and the <a href="">Hereabrrakets?</a> He wasn't hard rock but neither are a lot of the other examples. He's still one of the top grossing shows, or was a couple years ago. In my mind he's the last of the 60s type.
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